New Brunswick Panorama, Saint John Arts Centre, New Brunswick, Canada 2
Painted from the deck of the Clipper Shipp in Pocologan this morning as rain was threatening. Started a large painting and had to make a mad dash for my room as it did start to rain. I was able to finish it as the room has sliding glass doors with the same beautiful view of the Bay of Fundy. My second one of the day was this small canvas done from one of my photos of Waterside Beach near Cape Enrage. I need to get some more of these deep canvases, they are really fun to paint, two of them will be in this show. I took a break and walked on the beach at low tide, quiet and cool...then while heading back to do some more painting, I stepped on rock and twisted my ankle and fell right down hard! Spent the rest of the day icing my finger and hip, looks like I'll live, there will be bruises! Just another painting trip adventure!

"Waterside Beach 5" acrylic on canvas, 6 x 6 x 3
"Pocologan NB 2" acrylic on canvas, 12 x 30

"Waterside Beach 5" acrylic on canvas, 6 x 6 x 3
"Pocologan NB 2" acrylic on canvas, 12 x 30